Frequently Asked Questions

How do I acquire the items I am requesting?

Once your request is approved, Admire Teachers will order the items and have them delivered directly to the school to your attention. There are times when it makes more sense for Admire Teachers to send a check to the school for example, when paying for a field trip bus.

Who qualifies for Admire Teachers’ support?

We are currently offering support to K-5 school teachers and students at Title 1 schools in the Reynolds district as of the fall of 2024. We hope to include additional districts in the future. The grants range from $50 to $350 with a $1,000 maximum per school.

What types of things does Admire Teachers support?

Teachers know what they need so we do our best not to restrict the things we will fund. We love project based learning so we are drawn to projects that allow kids to get their hands dirty, so to speak. Among the many things we have supported are art supplies, math & reading curriculum, books, field trip fees, theater tickets, headphones, whiteboards, flexible seating, therapeutic games and more. The truth is that teachers have all sorts of needs and we recognize that. Our goal is to help teachers be the best educators they can be. We are not currently funding food related items. We do not reimburse for things already purchased.

How long does it take for a teacher to get their resources?

We hope to turn things around in two weeks or less. Our feeling is that teachers don’t always know ahead of time what they will need and we feel that it is important that we respond quickly. The turn around time is dependent on when your principal signs off on the request so please communicate with them as needed.

What is required of teachers once they have received support?

We can more easily achieve our mission when teachers share their success stories with us and let us know how the support impacted their students. Photos are great too. When other teachers read about these experiences, they are more likely to apply. We are always looking to improve what we do so we do send out a brief survey. Beyond that, we just ask educators to help spread the word about Admire Teachers.

Why are the funds restricted to certain districts?

We are Portland based and want to work close to home. Our hope is to expand to more districts, possibly raise the limit on our grants, and have a greater number of grants available in the future, but for now we are small and volunteer run and are choosing to work in one district at a time.