Hiya! Please read this section before applying

and take a look at THIS sample application.

It will make things easier for both of us and increase your chances of receiving support.

Are you a K-5 educator at a Title 1 school in the Portland Metro area?

If the answer to this question is yes, you are eligible. If the answer is no, then at the moment you are not eligible.

Are you seeking support for specific experiences or materials that will enhance learning opportunities for your students?

If the answer to this is yes and you meet the other criteria then you are eligible to receive support from Admire Teachers. Here’s a small sample of the things that we have funded: art supplies, math curriculum, graphic novels, field trip fees, theater tickets, headphones, whiteboards, flexible seating, therapeutic games and more. We are not currently funding food related items. We do not reimburse for things already purchased.

Have you considered the cost of shipping?

Depending on from where you intend to purchase the items, shipping can be expensive. Either include the cost in your request or find a source with free shipping.

Why do you only offer support at certain times of the year for limited periods of time?

We are volunteer run so the vast majority of the funds we raised are used to directly support teachers and students but we have a limited pool of funds to use each cycle. Once it’s depleted, we close shop, so to speak, until the next cycle. If you have any fundraising ideas we would love to hear them.

Do you have links to the items you wish to acquire?

We provide support for specific things that will enrich educational opportunities for students. We do not provide funds that can be used when needed at a later date. Providing links is an important part of the process. The amount requested should match up with the combined total of your links. If there are not links to share, please provide an explanation and share specifics that indicate how you arrived at your total request.

Are you seeking support for no more than $350?

Please keep in mind that if your request exceeds $350, it will be declined. Teachers can receive support from Admire Teachers once per school year. Admire Teachers has a cycle in the fall and again in late winter. Each school can receive a maximum of $1,000 per cycle. This enables teachers at all participating schools to have the opportunity to receive support.

Is there a question you have that has not been answered?

I am here to help so if that is the case please drop me a line at eric@admireteachers.org.